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HTML Annual Report Conversion

Convert your hard copy or PDF annual report into the language of the web, HTML. An HTML version of your annual report is a great addition to you IR section of your corporate website.

Why you should have a HTML Annual Report.

HTML is the language of the web. Its sole purpose is to display information in a format that your browser can display. Its fast and it makes it simple to navigate. Also there is no need to install third party software to view.

  • An HTML converted annual report is seamlessly intgrated with the Investor Relations portion of your Web site and easily viewed by the user.
  • HTML conversion allows you to add hyperlinks within and between sections of the annual report. It makes navigation of the document easier.
  • Individual annual report pages can be easily emailed if the annual report is in HTML.
  • HTML conversion offers an interactive index. Key pages and precise information are easy to find.
  • Images used within the annual report are optimied, so download time is minimized. Access is completely web-based. No additional plug-ins or programs are required.
  • Hundreds of companies like BP Plc, Johnson & Johnson, HESS and Novartis have chosen The Public Register to convert their annuals. Quite simply because we offer the best for less.
  • View samples at

Why you should not use a PDF for online viewing.

PDF was made for distributing documents for "print", and if it is intended for your users to print out a document then a PDF is what you should use. But, keep in mind that PDF's were never intended to be viewed in a browser. PDF's are usually large files, even when separated into separate PDF's they are usually at least 1MB, compared to the 40kb or less of an HTML document.

"PDF is great for distributing documents that need to be printed. But that is all it's good for. No matter how tempting it might be, you should never use PDF for content that you expect users to read online.

Forcing users to browse PDF documents makes your website's usability about 300% worse relative to HTML pages."

- Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen Norman Group

  • PDF was optimized for printing letter-sized sheets of paper, not for display in a browser.
  • PDF's typically lack hypertext, you don't need it to print.
  • PDF's can be huge files. 1-5MB of information.